Mar 12, Wednesday
Search Results
of 4
atlantic city taxi booking
atlantic city taxi booking 

Hello, i am a taxi driver. I can give you some references if you would like . I been to Atlantic city last year with family and going next month again. So i am familiar with the area. Please feel free..

Driver available
Driver available 

Hi i have a neat and clean car with valid license.i can do any drop offs and pick ups and can be a personal cab driver. i worked at a family house picking up and dropping kids to school. i even do pic..

Looking for Taxi
Looking for Taxi 

Hi there, i live around Manchester CT. I am a taxi driver and wandering if anybody needs taxi rides for work , airport or any other purposes. I am available all week. Please feel free to give me call ..

Airport Pickup and Drop
Airport Pickup and Drop 

Credit card payment accepted for added comfort - MinivanAirport Pickup or Drop Off to JFK, EWR OR LGAFrom Stamford Area - $65+tollFrom Norwalk Area- $75+tollFrom Manchester Area -$125+ tollFrom New He..