It is looking like we will make History with Abortion Referendum, Says Ireland’s PM
May 26, 2018 11:50
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Ireland’s Indian-origin Prime Minister Leo Varadkar proclaimed that country is all geared up to make history as exit polls indicted a victory for the ‘Yes’ vote to revoke the country’s stringent abortion laws in landmark referendum.
According to exit poll, 68 percent voted in a favor of abolishing Irish constitution’s eight amendment that gives an unborn child and its mother equal rights to life expecting highest votes for ‘Yes’ in Dublin with 77 percent.
The results of the referendum will be confirmed once the counting has been completed later today.
"It's looking like we will make history," said Varadkar, as the exit poll results poured in.
While Fine Gael and Fianna Fil, the two main parties of Ireland did not take official part on the referendum, rather politicians were permitted to campaign on a personal basis, however Varadkar had been campaigning in favor of a yes vote.
Read: Ireland’s Indian-Origin Prime Minster Campaigns to Lift Ban on Abortions
For an equal right to life of both the unborn child and the mother, the eight amendment prohibited termination in almost all the cases including rape, incest or fatal foetal abnormality.
"It has been an honour to be on this journey with you and to work #togetherforyes Thank you to everyone who voted today. Democracy in action”, he said in an online message on Friday.
The hashtag #hometovote has led to thousands of Irish people living abroad flew to cast their vote in the historic referendum. The hashtag filled up social media as Irish Irish citizens boarded planes in Buenos Aires, Bangkok, Tokyo, Sydney, Los Angeles, New York and from all across Europe and the United Kingdom.
The turnout was one of the highest for a referendum in Ireland potentially topping the 61 percent.
Penny Mordaunt, the UK's minister for women and equalities, welcomed the forecasted result tweeted, "Based on the exit poll, a historic & great day for Ireland, & a hopeful one for Northern Ireland. That hope must be met".
By Sowmya Sangam