A politician in Connecticut was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly groping a woman’s crotch and calling her a “bloodsucking lazy union employee”.
According to the local news reports, Christopher von Keyserling is a 71 year old Republican, who had served Greenwich Representative Town Meeting board since 1985. Keyserling was charged with 4th degree sexual assault for the incident occurred in December.
According to the warrant, the incident started in the noon of 8th December 2016, when the 57 year old woman met Republican Keyserling in the hallway of an unnamed town facility. Both of them discussed about politics and the woman told him that “it was a new world politically” and he should educate his fellow politicians. To which Keyserling replied that he loves this new world and he no longer have to be politically correct.
The woman responded to Keyserling that if he was so proud of that then she could not help him, to which Keyserling reportedly called her a lazy, bloodsucking union employee.
The woman cursed him and walked away to her office, then Keyserling followed her saying that he wanted to talk to her co-worker. But the co-worker did not wish to speak with him so she immediately left the office, not to be left alone with Keyserling the victim left with her co-worker, as she walked away, he allegedly pulled her and “groped her groin area”. The woman responded in anger that if he ever did that again, she would punch him on face.
Police did not provide further details about the case, but Keyserling’s attorney, Phil Russell said that his client was accused of inappropriately touching a woman in a workplace. Russell called the allegations outrageous.
He also said that Keyserling knew the lady for last 30 years whom he gave a play full pinch and somehow everyone is carrying on that as if it is a crime, but it is not.
The woman also told the police that she had heard about him, acting in a similar manner towards other employees and he had been referring to the groping as a joke.
Victim also reported that after the following incident, Keyserling told the woman that it would be her world against his and nobody would believe her.
But unfortunately for him a video footage from a nearby by CCTV camera is consistent with the woman’s charges.