Howdy Modi Highlights | Prime Minister’s Spectacular Speech Turns Heads
September 23, 2019 08:34
(Image source from: Quartz)
Needless to say, Narendra Modi’s speeches are highly applauded globally. In fact, his speeches contributed extensively to the Bharatiya Janata Party’s spectacular electoral success in India.
But, an ardent follower of Modi can definitely say that he outperformed himself at ‘Howdy Modi!’ event in Houston on Sunday with one speech, that lasted about 50 minutes.
In his address to the massive Indian diaspora and United States leaders, including President Donald Trump, PM Modi leveraged all of India’s strengths including its demography, diaspora, diversity, democracy, economy, and the process of modernization afoot in Indian society.
The mega diaspora event saw over 50,000 Indian Americans in attendance, who incessantly played a massive part in India’s headway. A decade ago, the community’s lobbying powers played a role in helping Delhi get the better of opposition in Washington to the nuclear deal.
(Image source from: Axios)
However, this is not the first diaspora event for Narendra Modi. Back in 2014, Modi addressed a massive gathering in Madison Square, New York. And, it was a roaring hit which set a template for many such events in other foreign countries.
But ‘Howdy Modi!’ event caught each and everyone’s eye because it happened at a time when India made a historic decision on Jammu and Kashmir by revoking its special status and needed to win the U.S. confidence and neutralize any support for Pakistan’s efforts to internationalize the issue.
Also, it happened at a time when the trade ties between both the countries ties turned rough; it happened at a time when India has got negative press treatment in the western media.
To start with, Modi heaped praises on Trump’s leadership, his economic record, his commitment to the United States, and his negotiating skills. The Prime Minister introduced Trump to his most ardent supporters - the Indian Americans, who will have a vote in next year’s presidential election.
(Image source from: Axios)
Modi’s comments have led to a war of words on whether it is actually wise for an Indian leader to be seen as reasonably partisan in an election year in the United States.
Justifying the country’s decision to revoke Article 370, special status to Jammu and Kashmir, Modi termed it as a medium which both impeded Jammu and Kashmir’s development and aided terrorism. Later, he mentioned how 9/11 attacks in parts of the United States and 26/11 attacks in Mumbai had roots in the same place. He declared it was time for a decisive battle against terrorism. He then hailed Trump as a global leader committed to battling terrorism, for which the audience gave a standing ovation on this count.
(Image source from:
PM Modi also emphasized on India’s diversity - in language, religion, region, traditions - as its strength, reiterated unity in diversity as a central pillar of India and elaborating on both the long democratic experience of India as well as its more recent elections which saw a high turnout. In an effort to demonstrate India as a country on the path of progress, committed to equity, and inclusion, the Prime Minister also elaborated on his government’s commitment to the poor and welfare schemes.
Referring to India as a modernizing country - a country which was leveraging technology, where cheap data is accessible to hundreds of people, where the Center was relieving conditions for carrying out business, cutting red tape, slashing corporate taxes; and which had robust growth, increased investments, and was ready to embrace the world. This statement by Modi came at a time when galore global investors and firms have begun developing doubts about the government’s reform agenda and this was a message of reassurance to them.
(Image source from: Hindustan Times)
Referring to the Indian American community, who were present in thousands at the event, Modi they have set the foundation for a bright future for India-United States ties. Acknowledging their presence and power was apparently an important source of support for Modi himself personally and politically, and also for India which can turn as a major potential source of economic contribution.
(Image source from: IBG News)
In the end, Modi didn’t give it a miss to the audience watching him back home. He brought to the fore his government’s achievements, the comments on Kashmir and Pakistan, and the understanding that India was finally getting its due on the world stage.
After delivering an electrifying address in Houston, PM Modi is all set to participate in the 74th session of United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Courtesy: Hindustan Times
By Sowmya Sangam