An Indian-origin man Rajinder Pal Singh, also called Jaspal Gill allegedly smuggled more than 800 Indian to the USA by using the ride-hailing app Uber. Jaspal Gill confessed of smuggling Indians into the USA in February. He is the key member of bringing Indian nationals across the border from Canada to the Seattle area from mid-2018 to May 2022. In a span of four years, he has more than 600 trips and smuggled more than 800 members. He is a resident of California and took more than $5 lakh for bringing the Indian nationals, according to the Department of Justice press release.
US district court has sentenced 45 months in prison under 'Conspiracy to Transport and Harbor Certain Aliens for Profit and Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering'. $45,000 cash and counterfeit documents were seized from his California residence by police. 17 Uber accounts were tied to the smuggling with $80,000 as chargers. Singh utilized the hopes of Indian nationals hoping for a better life in the USA with a debt of $70,000.
The trips used to start in the early hours near the international borders and would use vehicle rentals for one way. There was also a split between different raids as per the press release. Singh will be deported from the USA after completing his legal prison term.