This Magical DIY Hair Mask Is All That Your Frizzy Hair Needs
September 09, 2020 11:37
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Managing frizzy hair in monsoons requires extra care and we provide you all information for that.
There are numerous hair care tools that can alleviate the frizz of your hair immediately. But remember, those are temporary. These heating techniques or chemical products will bring back the frizz in no time.
Frizzy hair is something very personal to women and suffer a lot silently with it. It is difficult to eliminate the frizz without proper care. Nomatter how good you dress-up or how flawless your makeup looks, if your hair is not manageable, the picturesque look you desire cannot be achieved.
Before jumping into any solutions, you need to know the hair types and understand the problems before choosing the best solution.
A common hair problem mostly every woman faces is dull and brittle hair. If you have tried many DIY remedies and they left you unsatisfied, it is time you consulted a doctor.
Dermatologist and hair specialist Dr. Niketa Sonavane recently shared a home made hair mask for type 2b hair which is also called wavy hair.
Type 2b hair is exposed to Frizziness more often. While the hair may be flat and straight at the roots, it becomes wavier at the bottom and makes a prominent and strong S shape at the ends.
While controlling frizz is the first major step along with detangling knots to make the hair manageable, it is time you try hydrating hair masks that can provide best and optimum results for your frizz.
Banana Coconut oil Hair mask:
Banana hair mask is the best treatment for the type 2b hair or wavy hair. It provides nutrients to dull hair and makes them soft and shiny.
The mask can be applied for all hair types. This hair mask also works as a deep hair conditioner.
Here's how you can prepare banana coconut hair mask:
● 1 Ripe Banana.
● 1 table spoon honey
● 2 table spoons of coconut milk or coconut powder.
Method of application
● Put all the three ingredients into a mixer grinder and blend them well so that there are no chunks left.
● Strain the puree and store it in a container or bottle with a nozzle.
● Apply to clean and dry hair. Make sure the hair is not oily.
● Wear a shower cap to retain the body heat and leave it for an hour.
● Rinse with plain water and do not shampoo immediately.
● Repeat this process once in a week for best results.
● Bananas are a powerful source of Vitamin A,B,E and have tons of potassium.
● Protein content in the banana improves the hair texture.
● Bananas make each of your hair strands strong.
● The hair becomes soft and strong and also prevents the breakage.
● Honey is a natural moisturizer and also cleanses the scalp very well and prevents the hair fall.
● Coconut milk is a natural softener. It is the best natural conditioner which is full of minerals and antioxidants.
- By Gayatri Yellayi