Anthony Fauci warns states over cautious reopening amidst Covid-19 outbreak
May 01, 2020 05:33
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While a few of the US states have started easing the lockdown restrictions, the top infectious diseases expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned the nation on Thursday that the resurgence of new cases in the country are a certainty at this point with the reopening happening.
Fauci advised the states to be very cautious of the reopening process and the way they ease the restrictions on the businesses and allows greater freedom of movement to the citizens.
Fauci believes that new cases are bound to happen once everything is gradually pulled back. But, it is important that the government has the capability to identify, isolate and indulge in contact tracing without any kinds of delay as such.
"You can't just leap over things and get into a situation where you're really tempting a rebound. That's the thing I get concerned about," Fauci exclaimed.
The warnings from Fauci came after President Donald Trump stated that the federal government is not likely going to extend the social distancing guidelines and the stay at home restrictions past May 01. Even Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner said that he believes that US is going to be back to “really rocking again” in July even though the health officials say otherwise.
President Trump even planned on meeting Gov. Phil Murphy, D-N.J. to further discuss about the planning of reopening process in many of the states in the country.
Murphy reported to Fox News that he wanted to discuss with Trump about the testing process and the federal money allotted for New Jersey which is among the hardest hit stated in the US by the pandemic.
"We need help with the here and now. Educators, police, fire, EMS, the front-line stuff. We're bleeding resources, helping people whether they'e lost their jobs, whether they're sick, small businesses, et cetera. That's where we need a big dose of federal cash,” the governor exclaimed.
The President has also reported that he is planning to resume the out of state travel, starting with Arizona next week. He is also planning on holding large campaigns in the months to come, even though there has been no concrete development of a vaccine by the medical experts yet.
Trump is planning to restore US to the pre-coronavirus times with or even without a vaccine. This goes against the advice of the medical experts who have reported that the country needs to adapt the new normal of social distancing and mask-wearing.
To that, Trump retaliated saying, “I don't want people to get used to this. I see the new normal being what it was three months ago.”
Judd Deere, the White House spokesperson reported that Trump is planning to visit Phoenix on Tuesday to further highlight the production of “critical medical equipment production along with the manufacturing jobs available on the site.”
This came after Trump adamantly informed that he is not likely going to extend the restrictions past 30 days. Vice President Mike Pence reported that all the guidelines have been incorporated into the guidance from the White house that lays down the breakdown on how the states can again resume the reopening.
The White House is also looking forward to the clinical usage of Remdesivir, an anti-viral drug that has been showcasing positive signs on the recovery of the Covid-19 patients.
Fauci reported that the administration of the drug reduced the recovery time of the patients by 31% which is highly significant at this point. He believes that this proves that the drug is effective in blocking the virus.
By Somapika Dutta