India Records the Highest Globally as it Welcomes 67K Newborns on New Year’s Day
January 02, 2020 09:28
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India recorded the highest number of births around the world on New Year’s Day. The UN children’s agency said that India has recorded 67,385 births on New Year’s Day and is the highest in the world which was followed by China (46,299).
“The beginning of a new year and a new decade is an opportunity to reflect on our hopes and aspirations not only for our future, but the future of those who will come after us,” Henrietta Fore, the UNICEF Executive Director said.
It is said by the UNICEF that Fiji in Pacific will most likely deliver 2020’s first baby and the United States the last of New Year’s Day. Humanitarian and development to children around the world is provided by the UNICEF which celebrates babies born on New Year’s Day as an auspicious day for child birth around the world.
The doctors said that few child births were planned as they had chosen the New Year’s Day for delivery through caesarean section as they wanted their child to be born in a new year. The doctors added saying that some felt it auspicious to welcome the new born in a new year.
It is been observed that the newborns are dying due to several complications during delivery, premature birth, infections like sepsis etc and there fore a campaign is being run by the UNICEF for immediate investment in health workers with right training in order to ensure proper care being taken for every mother and newborn in order to treat complications during pregnancy, delivery and birth.
“Too many mothers and newborns are not being cared for by a trained and equipped midwife or nurse, and the results are devastating,” said Henrietta Fore the Executive Director of UNICEF. She added saying that “we can ensure that millions of babies survive their first day and live into this decade and beyond if every one of them is born into a safe pair of hands.”
By Shrithika Kushangi