Search Results On current affairs

current affairs

  • satires, funny jokes, waiter and customer, Current affairs

    Waiter and Customer 2011-04-12 07:06:57

    1) Waiter: Would you like your coffee black?Customer: What other colors do you have? 2) My father is so old that when he was inschool, history was called current affairs. 3) Teacher: Now, children, if I saw a manbeating a...

    Keywords: satires, funny jokes, funny jokes, jokes and sattires

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    Tamil News, Seidhigal, billa 2 promo on youtube today, Current affairs

    Billa 2 promo on YouTube today 2012-04-25 13:16:09

    OMG the hype of Thala’s Billa 2 is getting into our heads and the minutest details are aggravating our taste buds to savor the ultimate delight….. Can’t wait you know!!!! Are you feeling similar then you are not alone and...

    Keywords: Celebrity news, Movie release, Current affairs, Tamil Nadu

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