Search Results On healthy drinks

healthy drinks

  • tips for fruit drinks, Vitamins and minerals, natural energy drinks for kids, Healthy drinks

    Natural energy Drinks For Kids 2012-01-06 10:20:25

    There was a time when energy drinks were only available for adults and not for kids. Nevertheless, there are studies now that prove children aged 2 to 12 years old need additional sources of vitamins and minerals. This age group...

    Keywords: Vitamins and minerals, Natural fruit drinks, Natural fruit drinks, Vitamins and minerals

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    Liver diseases and causes, Sugary Beverages and impacts, sugary drinks may destroy livers, Healthy drinks

    Sugary Drinks may destroy livers? 2015-06-09 09:35:12

    Most of the children and youth have been addicted to the sugary drinks alongside with the junk foods for taste, which can harm them if consumed in more quantities and frequently. Already there have been reports that the sugar sweetened...

    Keywords: Liver diseases and causes, Sugar sweetened drinks, Computed tomography on liver, Healthy Living

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