The sole NBC television station in the state of Connecticut will be boycotting “Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly” this weekend. The boycott is to demonstrate protest her interview with Alex Jones, who infuriated victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre by the atrocity never happened.
A staff memo stated that while NBC stations around the United States may air the interview, they will instead air local coverage, including a special report featuring Sandy Hook parents, Governor Dannel Malloy, and advocates on issues including mental health and gun violence.
"Whenever there is news regarding the Sandy Hook tragedy, we know that the pain resurfaces for our community, our viewers and for you, our colleagues at WVIT," the memo said.
"Over the last few days, we have listened intently to Sandy Hook parents, our viewers and importantly, to you. We have considered the deep emotions from the wounds of that day that have yet to heal."
Jones hosts an Internet radio show. He bizarrely claims that the parents of the victims in the massacre could be actors hired to give credence to a government conspiracy to take away people’s guns.
He denied that on December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown. He described the shooting as a hoax. He also encouraged his fans to harass the victims’ of the families. A woman was recently sentenced to prison time for threatening the father of a 6-year-old boy who was killed.
Kelly has said that she finds Jones’ arguments “as personally revolting, as every other rational person does.’’
She tried to justify her invitation Jones by saying that she wants “to learn how someone who promotes outrageous conspiracy theories has a following of millions of people and has become friendly with President Trump.’’
Bridgeport lawyer Josh Koskoff, who represents the families of several victims, said in a letter to the network, “ Ms. Kelly’s interview implicitly endorses the notion that Mr. Jones’ lies are actually ‘claims’ that are worthy of serious debate; and in doing so it exponentially enhances the suffering and distress of our clients.”
Bear sightings reported across Connecticut