Search Results On dannel malloy (Page 1 of 2)

dannel malloy (Page 1 of 2)

  • Connecticut again battles on minimum wages, Minimum wage battle starts again in Connecticut, minimum wage battle starts again in connecticut, Dannel malloy

    Minimum wage battle starts again in Connecticut 2017-02-23 11:39:11

    If the state is considering to raise the minimum wage for the second time in four years, then the efforts should start in the House. In a committee two proposals were introduced to hike the minimum wages, but only the...

    Keywords: Minimum wage battle starts again in Connecticut, New York, Len Fasano, Dannel Malloy's

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    Connecticut, Immigrant, illegal immigrant arrested for sexually molesting a toddler, Dannel malloy

    Illegal immigrant arrested for sexually molesting a toddler 2017-03-06 12:15:57

    Police officers arrested a 19-year-old Guatemalan national, Douglas Hus-Flores and charged him with first degree sexual assault, and risk of injury to a minor. The family took the toddler  to the hospital after she told her mother about the pain...

    Keywords: Hus-Flores, Illegal immigrant arrested for sexually molesting a toddler, Connecticut, USA

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    Bridgeport, Bridgeport, connecticut nbc to boycott megyn kelly interview, Dannel malloy

    Connecticut NBC To Boycott Megyn Kelly Interview 2017-06-17 09:04:12

    The sole NBC television station in the state of Connecticut will be boycotting “Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly” this weekend. The boycott is to demonstrate protest her interview with Alex Jones, who infuriated victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre...

    Keywords: Megyn Kelly, NBC, Bridgeport, Megyn Kelly

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    Primary Election, Connecticut primary election, primary election 2018 connecticut s race for governor heats up, Dannel malloy

    Primary Election 2018: Connecticut's Race for Governor Heats Up 2018-08-14 07:20:55

    Connecticut's top primary election on Tuesday is the race for governor. Since incumbent Governor Dannel Malloy is retiring, the race is considered wide open.Businessman Ned Lamont is on the Democratic side who is the party endorsed candidate and Bridgeport Mayor...

    Keywords: Primary Election, Primary Election 2018, Connecticut primary election, Connecticut Governor race

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    California, Immigration, gop immigration bill adopts new plan to punish connecticut california, Dannel malloy

    GOP Immigration Bill Adopts New Plan to Punish Connecticut, California 2018-06-20 07:13:44

    A House Republican immigration bill adopts a new plan of action to penalize "sanctuary" cities and states, making it easier to sue them.The legislation intends to punish states like Connecticut and California that neglect to react to requests from federal...

    Keywords: Immigration Bill, GOP, GOP, Immigration

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    Three-class E-bike Law, Governor, connecticut governor approves three class e bike law, Dannel malloy

    Connecticut Governor Approves Three-class E-bike Law 2018-06-21 12:21:55

    Governor of Connecticut Dannel Malloy has signed a three-class e-bike law, similar to the industry-supported legislation enacted in nine other states.The Connecticut law somewhat varies from the other states because it prevents local municipalities from letting Class 3 e-bikes on...

    Keywords: Connecticut, Governor, Governor, Three-class E-bike Law

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