Search Results On connecticut news (Page 1 of 4)

connecticut news (Page 1 of 4)

  • Meek Mill sued, Meek Mill sued, meek mill sued over connecticut concert shootings, Connecticut news

    Meek Mill sued over Connecticut concert shootings 2017-05-24 12:37:40

    Hip Hop artist, Meek Mill has got into legal troubles. The Philly rapper is being accused by the families of a deadly concert shooting in Connecticut. The deadly shooting took place in December last year at the Toyota Oakdale Theater...

    Keywords: Meek Mill concert, Meek Mill, Connecticut news, Meek Mill sued

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    Connecticut news, Connecticut news, connecticut hit 7th spot in drug related issues, Connecticut news

    Connecticut hit 7th spot in Drug related issues 2017-05-17 13:13:39

    WalletHub, a personal finance website released an in-depth study report on every state in Untied States with the biggest drug problems this year and Connecticut landed at number 7 on the list. Drug abuse has left quite a large foot...

    Keywords: Connecticut hit 7th spot in Drug related issues, Connecticut drug abuse, Connecticut hit 7th spot in Drug related issues, Connecticut drug abuse

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    Sandy Hook, Megyn Kelly, connecticut nbc to boycott megyn kelly interview, Connecticut news

    Connecticut NBC To Boycott Megyn Kelly Interview 2017-06-17 09:04:12

    The sole NBC television station in the state of Connecticut will be boycotting “Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly” this weekend. The boycott is to demonstrate protest her interview with Alex Jones, who infuriated victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre...

    Keywords: Sandy Hook, NBC, Connecticut news, NBC

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    Connecticut unemployment, Connecticut news, unemployment rate in connecticut inches up, Connecticut news

    Unemployment rate in Connecticut inches up 2017-05-19 10:15:14

    According to Connecticut Department of Labor, the state’s economy took another blow in April as 1,500 were lost and the unemployment rate has been increased to 4.9%. The April job losses comes at the heels of March employment report that...

    Keywords: Unemployment in Connecticut, Unemployment in Connecticut, Connecticut news, Connecticut Labor Department’s Office of Research

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    ICE detains Connecticut Imam, Connecticut news, ice detains connecticut imam on deportation order, Connecticut news

    ICE detains Connecticut Imam on deportation order 2017-05-23 06:12:29

    The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have detained the imam of a mosque in Connecticut on an outstanding deportation order, which was issued last year. The immigration authorities have identified the man as Hafiz Abdul Hannan, who is a...

    Keywords: Connecticut news, Connecticut news, Connecticut news, Connecticut Imam

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    U.S. States Census Bureau, , connecticut s population dips by thousands, Connecticut news

    Connecticut’s population dips by thousands 2017-05-26 09:18:07

    The U.S. States Census Bureau released Connecticut numbers this week that shows the state’s population has been declining over the year. ith more than 3.5 million people in the state, basically every city in the state lost population over the...

    Keywords: , States Census Bureau, States Census Bureau, Connecticut population

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